October Fav Bits from Around the Web
/Here's your monthly dose of links from around the web. Some great stuff in October!
Lesley often feels like my faraway mama twin. As someone who is often straddling the working/mama fence, this post really resonated!
As a mom of a high needs child, this made me cry. "Your baby is not “good” but your baby is essentially himself/herself. Babies like him/her become the people the world needs: people with a fire in their bellies and a firm footing in love. Your baby is not “good.” Your baby is perfect. And your baby will change the world."
With all of the crazy gun violence that still continues to permeate our schools, this article about lockdown drills really hit home. Something HAS to be done.
Dear Mom, You are Stronger Than You Think.
This is a beautiful craigslist letter. You never know who's life you are changing
Overthinking Worriers are probably creative geniuses. #Winning.
Screw Finding Your Passion. "If you’re passionate about something, it will already feel like such an ingrained part of your life that you will have to be reminded by people that it’s not normal, that other people aren’t like that." <-- You mean not everyone screams at the TV when the media portrays birth incorrectly and fear mongering? Or your husband doesn't tell you "Shh I get it, you're right, I'm just trying to watch the Girls finale." Great article.
Did you read anything great in October?